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Toustone Shared Values - All

In 2023 we sat down and spoke with 20 of our valued clients.

The aim was to understand how we can better align our values with theirs.

After all the only reason we’re in business is to make our client’s business better.

After a lot of hard work and reflection with Toustone we have put together our shared values.

We’re now excited to share what we’ve come up with.

Shared values sounds like one of those buzzwords. But to us it means how do we show up and act in the world.

As our CEO Craig puts it

“Shared values are the guiding principles we use to make good decisions. Decisions that make the lives of our clients better. If we do that well, then we’ll create a partnership based business that clients can depend on for decades to come.”

So, what are the shared values and why does it matter to you?

  • We walk our talk.
  • We reach for the sky.
  • We help you find your edge.
  • Toustone Shared Values - Walk our talk

    We’ve seen all sorts of promises companies make and then don’t always match with delivery. For us delivering on ALL of our promises is non-negotiable. If anyone within Toustone sees a promise not met, they have the power to call it out and fix it right away.

    Toustone Shared Values We reach for the sky

    You aim high in your business and want to match that. The status quo needs challenging. Doing new and different things to transform the lives of clients is the only way to sustain long-term, profitable growth.

    Toustone Shared Values - We help you find your edge

    Business gets more competitive every day. It’s essential to find an edge that keeps you ahead of everyone else. Innovation is key, which is why we invest heavily in staying ahead of the curve by introducing cutting-edge tech and new solutions, often years before they become mainstream.

    Toustone clients are like family. Nothing is too much trouble. Nothing is more important than your success. We also invest in making our team better. As they grow, you grow and in return we grow.

    Living The Values

    So now you know the values. You also know we made them with you in mind first.

    But words are words, it’s how we deliver that matters.

    So, here’s our commitment to you:

    • We will lead by example. Every day we are monitoring how we live our values. Every day we learn a bit more and get a bit better. There’s no finish line.
    • We will support our people to deliver. Extensive training is underway. We have new processes in place to ensure everyone is living the values.
    • We will be accountable. Our values are a public commitment. They’re shared on our website, and we are happy to be assessed on how well we deliver on them.
    • We will hire for ‘values fit’. As well as existing employees all new hires must embody the values before we welcome them to our team.
    • We will reward staff based on values. There’s a full program of recognition and rewards for team members who best represent our shared values.

    As we continue towards our vision ‘To empowering organisations to drive positive change and sustainable advantage in their business, community, and for our planet’ we now have a values framework that guides us.

    Learn More About Toustone

    We are dedicated to transforming data into actionable insights, empowering businesses to make informed decisions that drive growth and efficiency.

    Discover more about Toustone and what makes us a leader in the field of data analytics and predictive solutions.

    If you want to discuss how our innovative approach and solutions can benefit your organisation, we invite you to book a 15-minute obligation-free chat with us.

    Our experts are ready to provide you with insights and guidance on how to leverage data to its fullest potential (aka helping you find your edge!).

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