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Leverage data insights to retain valued staff

RetainTalent gives you the visibility you need to proactively manage staff turnover. With predictive insights into who is at risk of leaving and why, you can focus your resources on addressing common triggers of turnover and retaining your valued staff.

Staff turnover costs can be high.




Predict and mitigate risk

RetainTalent enables you to proactively manage staff turnover and reduce costs. Predictive insights show who is at risk of leaving and why, so you can focus your resources on addressing common triggers of turnover and retaining your valued staff. With the platform you can:

  • Utilise predictive insight to understand the individual driving factors of staff turnover
  • Develop targeted strategies to address key driving factors of attrition such as role, manager, behavior, rostering, and salary
  • Provide managers with more lead time to intervene before losing valuable employees
  • Retain staff, improve workplace culture, and increase productivity while saving time and money

How it works

retaintalent solution overview

RetainTalent Solution Overview

RetainTalent enables you to proactively manage staff turnover and reduce costs. Predictive insights show who is at risk of leaving and why, so you can focus your resources on addressing common triggers of turnover and retaining your valued staff. The platform:

  • Loads relevant HR data from existing systems
  • Stores data a secure single source of truth
  • Runs data through a Machine Learning model
  • Identifies who is at risk of leaving and the common ‘triggers’
  • Presents insights in visual dashboards and reports

The value of retention

Using the previous example of a 30% turnover rate, what would it look like if a portion of the staff was retained?




“It’s completely objective, and data driven. It identifies the issue so that we can then put our focus, energy and attention into how we solve it.”

Vanessa PorterAll of You

Harness the power of predictive insight

UNSW Analyses RetainTalent

Read the article published by UNSW about our RetainTalent platform.

UNSW conducted their own research into our platform to contribute to the conversation about AI and its’ ability to enhance employee retention. We’re proud to be a part of the solution for a challenge that organisations across the globe face in this current business climate.

“A unique Australian product using cutting-edge AI technology.”

University of NSW

RetainTalent featured in AHRI's HRM Magazine

Andrew Dhaenens, lecturer at UNSW Business School was interviewed for AHRI’s HRM Magazine article titled “Automated Innovation,” shared with leading HR professionals across Australia. Andrew identifies Toustone’s RetainTalent platform as a solution and place to start for businesses looking to predict turnover and improve staff retention.

“Although the technology is nascent, RetainTalent system has significant potential. Through client data, it has achieved more than 90 per cent prediction accuracy in whether employees are likely to leave, using data points such as payroll, HR and demographic information. The platform includes a dashboard with high-level summaries and visualisations, enabling leaders to discover underlying patterns, insights and predictions with relative ease.”

Alex ChristianHRM Magazine
HRM Online article RetainTalent excerpt

Case Study: How we predict staff turnover

Model Results


Identified staff at risk


Prediction accuracy


Turnover rate

Partnership Program

New Revenue Stream

White Labelled

Cross Promotion

Support & Training


What is RetainTalent?

How did RetainTalent start?

How accurate is the staff turnover prediction?

Does RetainTalent identify the causes of staff turnover?

What data is required to adopt RetainTalent?

How will the data be extracted from our systems?

Does RetainTalent offer other reporting solutions?

Where is it hosted?

How do we scale up the RetainTalent if a new business is acquired, data sources or new software is introduced?

Is my data secure in the cloud? Is everything encrypted?

What kind of data access controls will I have available?

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